The Central Oregon Flyline
Online Newsletter of the Central Oregon Flyfishers |
Random Casts Upstream events June Program Free Fishing Day Meeting Date and Location Conservation News Outings Metolius From Wayne La Rivere Des Chutes For Sale Internet Stuff Support Our Local Flyshops Officers and Board Members COF Committees |
Random CastsA quick favor to ask of everyone that takes the time to read the Newsletter, please let me know two things: First, if your email address has changed send me the new one and, Second; if you wish to save some paper and receive it by email, let me know. There are a number of addresses that I get back as no longer working and I need the update. You can send the info to me at Thanks, and on to other things. Fishing, in a strange way, reminds me a lot of some politicians and they're practices. You never seem to get the same thing twice in a row. I was recently in the Folley waters area with Steve S. and had a great day. The Browns were hitting on a real consistent basis and even got into a few big ones that broke 4 pound tippet material while seeing no Rainbows. Two days later, in the same holes using the same flies, there was no response from the Browns, but lots of 8-12" Rainbows. Kind of like the politicians that say they back something on Monday but vote against it on Tuesday. With the warming weather, and the clearing of some of the trails, it will soon be time to try some of those 138 lakes that we don't usually fish. When that starts you can expect to get regular reports at the monthly meetings regarding access, fishing results, what worked best and who all went. Some of the people that I've talked to that have been to some of those lakes in the past have said there are some good sized fish in some of those lakes, we'll let you know which ones. If you want to travel along give me a call and, if you don't have the list but have internet, you can look at the list on line at As things develop we will also add the lakes on the other side of the Cascades and the local fly list to the site too. Thank Gordon C. for that one. Finally, the more local knowledge side of the meetings will continue this month. Look elsewhere in the newsletter for the plans for this meeting. If you want to know more about a couple of flies, get a few tips on tying flies, or just want to watch people tie some flies, be at the meeting early. There will be at least two, and possibly more, doing a little fly tying starting at 6 and running to about 6:45. If April was any indication of the turnout possible for more local knowledge, be there early. Doors will open about 5:45. See you at the meeting. Phil @ COF |
Upstream Events
June Program***LOCAL FLYFISHERS TELL ALL***We will have some of our knowledgeable members give up a few of their secrets in June. Gene McMullen will discuss fishing in the Ochoco Mountains in Deep Creek and North Fork of the Crooked. The Ochocos always provide a beautiful get away, and there are virtually no crowds. We will also have a description by several members of their fly tying vices. The information will be useful for those beginning tyers and for those experienced tyers who may want to use a more capable vice. Phil Hager will have more information on the stocked lakes in our local Cascades. The information will be very current as he has been fishing as many lakes as he can. We will have time for questions too, so DO NOT BE SHY!
Free Fishing DayFree Fishing Day at the Wizard Falls Fish Clinic on June 8th will have a spin casting contest. Scott Cotter could use a few extra COF volunteers to assist with the hooks and ladders game (Spring Angling Clinic style) if any members are available and not already working other events on that day. The t-shirts that volunteers will get look very nice and there is likely to be a barbeque afterwards for volunteers.Please contact Scott Carter at or call 549-8874 if you can help. Or you can contact Gene McMullen. His email is |
COF Meeting Date and LocationThe Central Oregon Flyfishers meet on the third Wednesday of the month at The Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 2112 N.E. 4th Street, Bend,Oregon. The Monthly gatherings start at 6:30 PM and the program begins at 7:00PM. Everyone is welcome to attend. Invite a neighbor or friend to join us at the next meeting. |
Conservation NewsCongratulations go to Sun River Anglers and Jim Meyer for organizing a successful fin clipping volunteer project at Fall River Hatchery. The adipose fin was trimmed from many thousands of juvenile rainbows that were spawned from eggs taken native trout spawning in the Deschutes above Crane Prairie Reservoir.Central Oregon Flyfishers donated many hours to this project as well and were so efficient that all the fish had been clipped by Thursday and the Friday crew wasn't needed. These clipped fish will be released into Crane Prairie Reservoir. Fall River also hires paid fin clippers. Next year they are thinking of mixing the paid personnel with the volunteers. Deep Creek Surveys On April 25 and 29th a brave group of Central Oregon Flyfishers fished Deep Creek in the Ochocos. Deep Creek enters the North Fork Crooked River several miles below Big Summit Parry. It is thought that Deep Creek is a nursery stream that provides the spawning area necessary for native redband reproduction in the North Fork system. To monitor movement of these fish, it was planned that we brave fishermen would catch a lot of trout and the biologists would tag them. They then would be returned to the stream and monitored using a radio receiver from the banks and from the air. This way it could be determined where these fish go. The only trouble was that all seven of us could not catch any fish, not a single fish in some 40 man hours of fishing. The biologists then reverted to electro-shocking with very limited success. (Deep Creek has always been a stream with large numbers of trout) Several days later the biologist electro-shocked section of the North Fork below Deep Creek with very limited success and upstream on Deep Creek at Double Corral where the numbers appeared to be comparable to past years. Similar problems were found in the South Fork Crooked last fall and Antelope Flat Reservoir this spring. Deep Creek and the North Fork are strictly wild fish streams while the South Fork and Antelope Flat are stocked systems using hatchery trout so there does not appear to be a correlation between wild and hatchery in this instance. The lack of fish is puzzling and it is hoped that last years drought did not decimate the trout populations in these streams and reservoirs. Those of us who fish these waters will let you know what we find this summer.
OutingsThe Crooked River Outing in April was a smashing success with 35 attending. Dr. John Anderson got everybody identifying the "BUGS" in the river--Thanks--John for a great job. Then Dennis Robert, Central Oregon Fly Shop guide, got us ready to hit the stream with some great techniques and money saving ideas. We owe Central Oregon Fly Shop a big thank you for their participation in our first official outing of the year. And another BIG thank you to all the experienced fly fishers who gave so generously to the newer Flyfishers with their help and assistance--" It was a very good thing".The Flyfishers who attended were: Dave Chaney, Gene Mc Mullen, John Anderson, Steve Williams, Lloyd Geraths, Nancy Williams, Richard Flint, John and Cindy Hossick, Bill Cushman, Frank McKim, Steve and Nancy Sheldon, Jay Cushman, Phil Hager, Carl Sanders, Steve Nicholson, Harry Harbin, Dave Dunahay, Kurt Boettger, Marie Vandareer, Earl Rettig, Brad and Joy Turnbull, Al Rappel, Jim Pease, Larry Haas, Dave Mitchell, Russ Christensen, Mike Carter, Jerry Hayes, Dennis McMahon, Dick Braaten, on Walp, Tom Daniels and Dan Driskill, your VP And Outings Chairperson. The Davis Lake Outing held on May 25th was a time of good fellowship, but fishing was only so-so. The lake is in the process of turning over with an algae bloom that made for tough fishing. Even so a couple of nice 20" to 22" beauties were brought to net, which holds promise for this beautiful lake as the season progresses. Bob Gaviglio, owner of the SunRiver Fly Shop, gave an excellent talk about lines, leaders and flies. Bob also gave casting and retrieval techniques which many old timers and novices found valuable. So as the saying goes "you should have been there". The Central Oregon Flyfishers members who participated where Tom Philiben, Kevin Witt, Kevin and Nate Todd, Neal Buxton, Dave Mitchell, Tom MacDougall, Rex Harrison, Jim Newcomb, Ron Walp, Jim Moore, Frank McKim, Steve Sheldon, Phil Hager and yours truly, Dan Driskill. A special thank you to all who made this a successful outing. The next Outing will be the Upper Deschutes, June 22.
Forest Service Puts Finishing Touches on Canyon Creek Crossingby Scott Cotter
![]() Canyon Creek is an important rearing and spawning stream for Metolius basin bull trout. In 2000 Forest Service fishery biologists determined that an old bridge crossing located approximately three miles upstream from the mouth of Canyon Creek was contributing sediment and constricting the stream channel. Unrestricted crossing by horses and near stream off-road vehicle trails were contributing additional sediment. High amounts of fine sediment can suffocate young trout eggs and fry, and can fill in spaces between cobbles along the stream bottom that are important to aquatic insects. Soon after recognizing the need for action, the Forest Service developed a plan and sought public input to consolidate the multiple horse crossings at one location, while closing off a network of undesignated, user-created trails and crossings. The purpose of the project was to reduce fine sediment input, provide shade, and reduce potential trampling of bull trout spawning nests called redds. The Oregon Army National Guard removed old road fill material at the crossing, allowing the stream to once again naturally reconnect to its floodplain, and added large wood to provide juvenile bull trout rearing habitat. Approach roads were rehabilitated by "subsoiling" which relieves compacted soils, naturalized with large wood, and subsequently planted with native vegetation. Crews assisting in the work included the Deschutes County Corrections Crew, the Youth Conservation Corps, and the Curlew Job Corps. Overall, the project is expected to directly benefit bull trout and other aquatic life in Canyon Creek.
Spring Whispers From The Dustdevilby Wayne BowersWith my pending retirement this will be my last letter to the club as a District Fish Biologist for ODFW. Now, as a continuing member of COF I am looking forward to participating more in club activities with those of you I have already spent time with and making new fishing friends with some of the rest of you.I also want to take the opportunity once again, to say thanks for all of the volunteer help club members have given to the Malheur Fish District over the years. We have shared bee stings and mosquito bites, hot summer sun and cold fall snows, good food and tall tales around the campfire and lots of dust. We have camped and worked together on fish population and genetic sampling on Silver Creek, streams of the Silvies River, and Malheur River basins, the Donner und Blitzen River and its tributaries - Bridge Creek, Mud Creek, Little Blitzen River, Big Indian Creek, South Fork Blitzen and Deep and Ankle creeks. We have camped at the Bog Hole and Willow Hotsprings and worked in the remote Lahontan cutthroat trout streams of the Trout Creek Mountains. We have strung juniper riprap on cutbanks of the Blitzen River near P Ranch, hiked the bull trout streams of the Malheur River basin looking for spawning bull trout and boated the Owyhee River. You have helped generate enthusiasm for fish and fishing in younger generations by delivering fish eggs to classrooms around the district and helping teachers set up classroom incubators and by helping out at Free Fishing Day activities. I have appreciated the notes and emails from some of you letting me know what you caught as you fished the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams of the southeast corner of Oregon. There are only 2 of us biologists in the district with the job of keeping tabs on the fisheries resources in about 21,000 square miles so we don't get into all of the corners very often.
La Rivere Des Chutes
For SaleHobie Cat-75Great Pontoon Boat Wt. 33 pounds 75"x46.25" 350 lb. Capacity Original price $850.00 will sell to club members for $399.00 Call Bob Gaviglio 541-593-8814 |
Internet StuffSome interesting links
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